Sunday, May 3, 2020

Katniss Everdeen Analysis free essay sample

Katniss Everdeen was a sixteen (16) year old girl from the coal mining district 12 in the post-apocalyptic continent once known as North America. This area was then known as Panem. Katniss had black hair, gray eyes, and olive skin, which was common for the people of the Seam. She was very independent because she had to take care of her mother and her little sister when her father died in a coal mine explosion. This had made Katniss stubborn and determined. Katniss was very reactionary; she would act first and only think about the consequences of her actions later. This trait had gotten her into a lot of trouble, but she would do anything to protect her mother and younger sister Prim. Katniss was very loyal to her friends, especially Gale who was her lifelong friend. Katniss’s father used to take her on hunting trips in their district. Katniss had to provide for her family no matter what. We will write a custom essay sample on Katniss Everdeen Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Learning to hunt with her father was very important to Katniss and when he died she continued to hunt to feel close to him. â€Å"My bow is a rarity, crafted by my father along with a few others that I keep well hidden in the woods, carefully wrapped in waterproof covers† Hunting together was their special time, just Katniss and her Dad. She hunted for food for her family, or she traded the kill for other things they needed. District 12 was one of the poorest districts so there was never enough food for Katniss’s family. She learned early on how to not be hungry by thinking about other things. This helped Katniss in the games because some of the other districts that were rich always had enough food so their tributes did not know how to be hungry. Katniss was compassionate as well. When Rue was dying, Katniss held her and sang to her so she would not die all alone. Once Rue was dead, Katniss covered her body with flowers; â€Å"one stem at a time, I decorate her body in the flowers, covering the ugly wound. Wreathing her face. Weaving her hair with bright colors†; so people watching on the screens would not see Rue laying there in death. She wanted to protect her friend even in death. Katniss wanted to win the games so that her mother and sister would be provided for, for the rest of their lives and live in the winner’s house where there would always be food and heat and shelter. If she won the games, Katniss and her family would be taken care of by the Capitol forever.

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