Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How Medication Effects the Kidney and Liver Essay Example

How Medication Effects the Kidney and Liver Essay Example How Medication Effects the Kidney and Liver Essay How Medication Effects the Kidney and Liver Essay The kidney and the liver are two of the four major routes a drug takes when trying to leave the body. If someone has kidney or liver disease, how a person’s body handles that drug is greatly affected. Drinks, food and or lifestyle habits that put added stress and cause damage to your kidneys or liver, foe example alcohol abuse or chronic exposure to toxins such as paint fumes, can affect how well you process drugs. Kidney and or liver stress/damage usually raises drug levels a lot higher than normal by slowing down the excretion process.The aminoglycoside antibiotics such as Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Gentamicin and Garamicin can cause kidney damage in 15 percent of patients treated with them, but thousands of drugs cause less than obvious stress on your kidneys. When your drug information says Renal (kidney) problems, you should always be aware that drug is most likely going to be hard on your kidneys. Check with your pharmacist before mixing any drugs, prescription and or over-the-counter drugs.Drug Labels that warn of things like hepatic (liver) toxicity, injury, and dysfunction which is medical use for liver poison, should flash a red light in your head. (http:/www. liverdisease. com/medication_hepatitis. html) Your liver is the busiest organs in the body working non-stop to process food to transport through the bloodstream and to metabolize waste matter for excretion through urine and or feces. (http:/www. liverdisease. com/medication_hepatitis. html) The list of prescription drugs that can stress or damage the liver is most likely longer than the list that dont.If you drink alcohol all the time and take a liver stressing drug you can be doing lots of damage to your liver. Some signs of liver damage are swelling and redness in the palms of the hands, yellowish skin and whites of eyes, itching, small benign fatty tumors and reddish spots on the skin or lumps under the skin of damaged blood vessels. ( aakp. org/aakp-library/medication-effects/)One mostly used drugs that damages the liver is acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is loudly talked about in advertising for pain relief.What the ad doesn’t tell you is that acetaminophen is hard on the liver. Recent studies show acetaminophen can inflict most if not all of its damage on the liver by blocking the making of antioxidant glutathione. Without the glutathione the livers ability to break down toxins for disposal is weakened. According to a study published in the journal, Free Radical Biology amp; Medicine, one hour after an injection of acetaminophen, glutathione levels decrease as much as 83 percent! If some stress is placed on the liver (alcohol) at the same time the acetaminophen hits it the damage could be fatal.If you take acetaminophen, take a liver protecting herb milk thistle’ before and add 500 mg of the amino acid cysteine to your daily vitamins. Cysteine is the precursor to glutathione. Also be sure to do not drink alcohol when youre taking acetaminophen. ( hepcnet. net/drugsandliverdamage. html) Kidneys plays a big part in body function by filtering the blood, getting rid of the waste products, but also by balancing the levels of electrolyte levels in the body controlling blood pressure, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

$2500 Essay Contest Scholarship! I Can Save The Earth!

$2500 Essay Contest Scholarship! I Can Save The Earth! $2500 Essay Contest Scholarship! I Can Save The Earth! We are thrilled to announce another essay contest scholarship with an amazing prize of $2500 in scholarship funds. This time around the topic is environmentalism and what students can do to save the earth! Have you done something to protect the natural environment in your community? Do you have a brilliant idea to counteract the human effects on the environment? If so, fire up your word processor and get to work! Keep reading to Learn more! Eligibility If you are a student in a college or university, attend a tech school or certificate program, or are a high school student in the US or a related territory, you are welcome to participate! Requirements We want you to have a fair shake at winning this money, so make sure your essay meets the following requirements: 1000 to 1500 Words Long Written in English Don’t Use Real Names! Send us Your Full Name And a Valid Email Address on a Separate Page Keep it Clean! No Offensive or Harassing Content. Be sure to send it in my 12/31/17. We’ll let everyone know who won on 01/31/18. Email your essay to @gmail.com What Does it Take to Win? Don’t start typing just yet. First, take a look at our judging criteria. Your essay must be impeccable! Use your spell checker, and be sure you get rid of any grammar or punctuation error. Next, stick to the topic at hand. Relevance is important. We’re looking for ideas that are original, and that can be put to work! Practical solutions are best! Finally, educate us! Provide examples and tips on ways that each of us can protect the environment. Disclaimer: Once you submit your essay, it becomes our property and will be protected by copyright laws. You may not publish your essay, copy it, or provide it to others without our express written permission.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Emotion and cognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Emotion and cognition - Essay Example Consciousness and cognition approaches might be the evolutional milestone in human race. But if we underestimate emotions, it tantamount to that we are at the point where we started our journey. As such, at this point of evolution we should not even attempt to judge emotions; but simply try to understand and accept emotions as emotions. Here I used the term ‘understand’ purposefully. By this process of consciousness – a cognitive approach – we are slightly keeping ourselves at a distance from emotions for the time being. The dynamic processes of thinking and evaluating may be speedy with reference to our learning capacity. But the dynamic potentiality of emotions is thousand fold. We shall assume that the impact of experiences to be emotions; the inputs for emotions are stored in human brain with enormous intensity, variety and number. The potentiality of emotional force is thus condensed to its core. Conscious viewing of emotions and their sources would throw more light on how we handle / emotions. Devising various methods of emotion control are the products of human thinking and propensity to regulate emotions under controlled conditions. Impressions of emotion are deeply embedded in our psyche. Like behaviour and characteristics the subtleties of emotions are carried to and from generations through genes. The spectacular phenomenon of facial expression of emotions in a well matured style by the just born baby in almost equivalent to the fine and minute expertise of an actor is the typical evidenc e for this generational carriage of emotions. Researches are needed in plenty to near the source of emotions. And still more are required to find out the carrier that transmits these subtleties to genes. Psycho analytical experimentations, social studies, neural physiological tests, behavioural observations and many more are in treasure. Even then the potency of these methodologies is still under question. The Hindu mythological contentions

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

'Nationalism has done more to shape the modern world system than Essay

'Nationalism has done more to shape the modern world system than anything else' Discuss - Essay Example The last section of this paper deals with the anti-colonial nationalism and the different forms of nationalism in both the new and old nation-states; finally, the paper draws a conclusion that nationalism has exerted a huge amount of influence on the modern world political system, in terms of both opposition and a claim to the modern state, which, however, shouldn’t be overestimated. Introduction Breuilly writes that the term ‘nationalism’ is used to denote a political movement seeking or exercising state power and justifying its actions with nationalist arguments, where the latter are seen as a political doctrine â€Å"built upon three basic assertions† (2). Thus, in the first place, there should be a nation with an explicit character, which is peculiar to that nation; secondly, the nation’s values and interests should take priority over all other suchlike; and last but not least, the attainment of political sovereignty is required (Breuilly 2). And erson, in turn, considers nationalism, along with nation and nationality, rather difficult for one to define let alone to analyze, and suggests that nationality and nationalism are cultural artifacts which have been transplanted to a variety of social terrains as well as merged with a corresponding variety of political and ideological constellations (3-4). On the other hand, as Seton-Watson points out, the ‘nation’ phenomenon â€Å"has existed and exists†, insofar as a significant number of people in a community possess national consciousness, i.e. consider themselves to have formed a nation, or behave as such. Hence, if a nationally conscious elite succeeded in creating a nation, it would be able to remain in power on the basis of that nation, and conversely (5). So, however one may go into nationalism – whether as a state of mind, the search for some sort of national identity or the expression of certain national consciousness – there’s no doubt that, as Breuilly put it, nationalism is, above and beyond anything else, about politics (1). Since politics is infinitely, if not exclusively, concerned with power and power, in the modern world, is mainly about the control of the state, nationalism, besides its cultural, ideological, class, etc. dimensions, is inevitably related to the objectives of obtaining and using the state power (Breuilly 1). Thus, the modern state, hence the modern state system and nationalism appear far too intertwined with each other, insofar as nationalist politics have given rise to the creation of many present-day nation-states, and could be held responsible for certain developments in others; and not surprisingly therefore, the modern state would offer â€Å"the key to an understanding of nationalism† (Breuilly 2). Origins of Nationalism - Prelude to Nationalism in Early Modern Europe The roots of modern nationalism could be traced back to the monarchical states of Western Europe in the e arly modern period (Breuilly 75; Seton-Watson 19-22). With the dramatic increase of state power by that time, the opposition to the state also increased and consolidated; as the state extended its authority over its subjects and diminished that of other institutions, like guilds, churches, etc., the idea of the ‘nation’ could be deemed to have achieved certain political relevance (Breuilly 75). This idea, however,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

An in-Depth Analysis Essay Example for Free

An in-Depth Analysis Essay Volume 5, September 2010 The International Journal of Research and Review 51 An In-depth Analysis of the Entrepreneurship Education in the Philippines: An Initiative Towards the Development of a Framework for a Professional Teaching Competency Program for Entrepreneurship Educators Maria Luisa B. Gatchalian Miriam College Abstract This research paper is a descriptive study, which aims to identify the training needs of entrepreneurship educators and practices in entrepreneurship education in the Philippines. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and one-on-one interviews are conducted using structured and unstructured interview guides, which revealed the respondents’ answers, thought patterns, expressions and insights on an array of questions pertaining to entrepreneurship education in the Philippines. The result shows that students assign the highest importance to the personal qualities of entrepreneurship educators (e. g. human and motivating, etc. ) and teaching methodology and delivery (e. g. innovative and interactive) among other qualities (e. g. educational attainment). Entrepreneurship educators ascribe most importance on personalized, experience and project-based learning. However, they assert that this teaching practice should be complemented by a manageable class size, program support facilities and teaching skills enhancement (e. g. , mentoring, etc. ) among others. The school administrators play an important role in setting the direction and progression of the entrepreneurship program in their respective institutions against the background of numerous challenges in managing resources to support its needs. This study highlights that entrepreneurship education in tertiary level is best achieved through a well-designed curriculum, effective teaching model grounded on personalized and experience-based learning, and strong institutional support. Keywords: teaching and learning needs, entrepreneurship education, and tertiary level. Introduction Entrepreneurship education is a recent trend in new course development as against the traditional courses that have gained formal recognition in higher-level institutions. Entrepreneurship courses are now finding their way into formal education as subjects or full degree courses in the tertiary level. Unlike traditional business courses, which have developed and evolved over many decades in universities all over the world in conjunction with active practicing business operations, formal entrepreneurship teaching in the tertiary level is a relatively young course. Professional development of entrepreneurship educators, however, is not as institutionalized as the development of teachers for traditional business courses. MBAs and PhDs in general business and in management fill the faculty rooms of colleges and universities, but educators who hold masters and doctorate degrees in entrepreneurship are rare. Even teaching information and resources are not well known or are not available in many schools, making it difficult for budding entrepreneurs to find the sources they need. Entrepreneurship education is, by nature, highly experiential and interactive. Course requirements are mostly output and result oriented,  © 2010 Time Taylor International ? ISSN 2094-1420 Volume 5, September 2010 The International Journal of Research and Review 52 prototype development, hands-on training and other practical applications that require mentoring and close monitoring of students’ progress at each developmental stage. Teaching college teens to become entrepreneurs takes a different set of skills, insights or sensitivity and teaching approaches to connect, motivate and engage them to. The uniqueness of the student needs and the course requirements entails specific teaching skills to match both. One of the perceived tools to address and match these needs is to first conduct an assessment of the qualities, competencies, methods and techniques and other factors that are important to students, educators, and school administrators. There are new challenges of the learning dynamics of emerging youth in the 21st century. Among them are the uses and matching of modern communication technologies with appropriate teaching methodologies, which the new generation is well adapted to but a good number of educators are not. These are only a few examples of the specialized skills and knowledge that are needed to upgrade entrepreneurship training in the tertiary level. Likewise, course management and its administration are also faced more than ever, with challenges and limitations that behoove everyone to deal creatively with. The study is grounded on the premise that if the educational system is to breed entrepreneurs as the future economic movers, it is but appropriate that the learning source, or the educators should be well equipped and sensitive to their needs and learning dynamics who are ? nolonger-children but not-yet adults.? In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has pushed the formal integration of entrepreneurship education pursuant to Republic Act No. 7722 as embodied in Memorandum Order No. 17 (CMO # 17) Series of 2005 – Curriculum Requirement for Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BS Entrepreneurship). This document contains the new academic and developmental thrusts of the Entrepreneurship Programs and Courses in the Tertiary Level. It is also important to note that based on the CHED directory in the National Capital Region, there has been an increase in colleges and universities offering business and entrepreneurship courses. Some have indicated the integration of entrepreneurship in their schools, as a full course leading to a degree, a track, or as a major subject. There are already concerted efforts in the government and the private sector to advance entrepreneurship education as a long-term solution to economic advancement. It follows then that the future offering of the course on entrepreneurship will increase, and programs will take on a newer form as it evolves and develops over time. One of the concrete efforts to meet these new challenges is the formation of Entrepreneurship Educators of the Philippines (ENEDA). The main thrust of the organization is to assist all its members in accessing or actually developing for their immediate use all the relevant knowledge and skills needed in teaching college students to become  © 2010 Time Taylor International ? ISSN 2094-1420

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay examples --

The purpose of this essay is to discuss how Coca-Cola generates sustainable competitive advantage by drawing on their Resources and Capabilities within the company. I will discuss on the theoretical area, draw on secondary research and apply a ‘real world’ example. Definitions of each perspective are explained as to make a better understanding of the different types of organizations clearer. The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola), founded in 1886 and based in Atlanta Georgia, is the world’s leading soft drink manufacturer who operates in more than 200 countries and produces 400 brands of non-alcoholic beverages. Coca-Cola is very successful and recognized around the world, making the company the most valuable brand internationally. Coca-Cola has been operating through eight segments, which are Africa, East, South Asia and Pacific Rim, European Union, Latin America, North America, North Asia, Eurasia and Middle East (The Coca-Cola Company, 2006). The activities of Coca-Cola spreads through all sectors of the soft drink industry. The company offers ready to drink and yet non-alcoholic beverages with carbonation as the carbonated water, flavored water, and the energy drinks. There are still beverages that includes the non-alcoholic beverages and without carbonation which includes the non-carbonated water, flavored water, teas, juice drinks, and the enhanced water. The c ompany is also offering the fountain syrup, concentrates, and syrups, which include the sweeteners and the ingredients. The company sells its finished beverage products to the distributors and the canning and bottling operators, fountain wholesaler, and the distributors. (182) Strategy is concerned with matching a firm’s resources and capabilities to the opportuniti... ...w materials into finished products. The company manufactures the syrups and sells them to partnered bottling companies that package and distributes the final product. Bottlers help sell and promote Coca-Cola brands to businesses and institutions. Also, the Outbound Logistic department excel in the duty of effective shipping processes in providing a quick delivery, reduces damages, efficient finished goods warehousing processes, shipping of goods in large lot sizes to minimize transportation costs and quality material handling equipment to increase order picking. Lastly, the marketing and sales department of Coca-Cola are greatly motivated and capable sales force, innovative tactics to promotion and advertising, selection of the utmost fitting distribution channels, accurate identification of customer segments and needs and effective pricing strategies. (171)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Apple vs Samsung

Which one is better, Apple or Samsung? Along with the rapid development of science and technology, electronic products has became a very important part of our life. And there are many electronic companies in the world such as Apple, Sony and Samsung. Apple and Samsung are two of the most famous electronic companies in the world. They both produce abundant kinds of electronic products such as smartphones, tablets and computers. So there are many comparisons of these two companies' products. In 2011, there is a lawsuit of Apple accused the Samsung that they damage their many patents in samrtphones and tablets fields (Jackson, 3).Also Apple's complaint included specific federal claims for patent infringement, false designation of origin, unfair competition, and trademark infringement, as well as state-level claims for unfair competition. (Jackson, 4)Although Apple won the lawsuit, however after that the Samsung accused Apple as well. And these lawsuits are still continuous. These make p eople pay more attention of the comparison of the two companies. Many people want to know which one is the best electronic company in the world. To answer this question different people have different ideas.Most people think Apple is better, however others prefer Samsung. And, following are researches about the two companies, they will tell people the reasons that why Apple is better. Apple Inc. is an multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers. The company was founded on April 1, 1976, and incorporated on January 3, 1977( –, para. 9). There are many kinds of products that it produce, however Its best-known hardware products are the Mac line of computers, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. Also Case Study will describe why Apple Inc. is a very successful company.Its software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems and the iTunes media browser ( Fisher , 3). Apple is the world's third-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung and Nokia. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008, and in the world from 2008 to 2012 (Fisher, 5). However, the company has received widespread criticism for its contractors' labor practices, and for Apple's own environmental and business practices (Musgrove, 35). All these things tell us that Apple is a successful company and it have a powerful strength. pic] Figure 1 The logo of Apple This logo is the logo of the Apple Inc. The silvery white give a person with science and technology feeling. This is the meaning of the logo: the bite off the gap arouse the curiosity of people, doubt, want to know the taste of apple will personally have a taste (Niv N. P. ). According to Michael M. Scott the former pre sident of Apple Inc. â€Å"it is the most expensive and creative logo ever designed. â€Å"( para, 5) Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul.It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean company. Samsung produces around a fifth of South Korea's total exports and its revenues are larger than many countries' GDP; in 2006, it would have been the world's 35th-largest economy. The company has a powerful influence on South Korea's economic development, politics, media and culture, and has been a major driving force behind the â€Å"Miracle on the Han River† (kelly, 56). Samsung is also a great company, it is the South Korea's national industry.And it is the pride of all the South Korea people. As well Samsung is a company has a long history, it was made up in 1938, and with the 75 years of development, it has became a world-class company. Samsung also has many famous products, but the most well-known is the Galaxy series products, such as smartphones Galaxy s3 and tablets Galaxy note2. [pic]Figure 2 The logo of Samsung This figure is the logo of Samsung company, it is a concise and clear design, and the sideling background expressed Samsung people's positive and enterprising spirit (Niv N. P. ).All above show people the powerful of the Samsung company, it has the strength to compete with the Apple company. With the fast development of technology, a lot of new stuff appeared. These products become the most powerful things to prove the technology of their company. Many experts do researches to compare these products of two companies because products can tell people the quality of each company clearly. In addition , all the products top class products from smartphones and tablets market. Such as iphone5 and galaxy s3. People compare every details of them and try find which one is better.Through Chaffin's resear ch people can found that a lot of evidences that believe iphone5 is better. Firstly, iphone5 unveiled at 2012 September, at the first week, iPhone 5 sold millions. Even galaxy s3 sold 10 millions units during 4 months, iphone5 just cost 7 days got the half number of galaxy s3 sold for four months( Chaffin, 1). Then, he make some further analysis that start with design. The thick of iphone5 is 7. 6mm and galaxy3 is 8. 6 mm. iPhone 5 just makes the body as thin as possible, a full millimeter less than Samsung galaxy 3. ( Chaffin, 3). And apple has also try to make the phone feel a bit less severe in the hand.Even there also had some slight issue happened on iphone5, because of a part of outer skin made by aluminum ,the character is more easier be scratched. A lot of user feels a little angry about this. Next, for screen, obviously galaxy 3’s is bigger. but the Apple's technology is higher. it makes the screen looks more clear. For power, just like before iPhone always use non-r emovable battery and galaxy use removable battery(Chaffin, 3). According to this research, they think iPhone5 is better than galaxy s3. From this, Apple is better than Samsung in Smartphone field.When it comes to tablet market. According to Catanzariti the tablet expert ,†New pad have the best scream –‘retina'. The ‘retina' screen is by far and away the best display on any mobile device we've come across. (page, 2) . People can see the texts on this screen more clearly and easily. Even Photos and videos look bright and vivid can have a better presentation. The iPad's screen is so sharp that it constantly highlights the low quality of many images on the Internet ( Catanzariti, para3). By comparison, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10. 1 has a larger screen with a rather standard low resolution .Whatever from the definition or the presentation of texts and pictures Samsung Galaxy Note less the than the new iPad. This means it won't be able to display the same super cr isp text as higher resolution screens. ( Catanzariti, para5). So most researchers prefer New iPad, and it can prove that Apple is better than Samsung in tablet field. In computer market, Apple is better , Apple's computers such as Macbook is one of the top class computers in the world, and Samsung do not has any computer reach it. Young people prefer Apple's computers because its fashion appearance design and they give them a sense of science and technology.However, the Samsung's computer do not have these factors, just have a common appearance. Adult people prefer Apple's computers because they have a perfect operating system, and it's very help for design and other professional works. In addition , Apple computers users are more than 3 times of Samsung's users in the USA ( –, para 7). Researchers also do many researches of satisfaction. According to J. D. POWER& ASSOCIATES 2012 U. S. TABLET SATISFACTION STUDY, apple tablets are tops in customer satisfaction. The study measu red satisfaction using five factors on a combined 1,000 point among customer who used their tablet for less than 2 years.The factors include such as performance, ease of operation, styling and design, features, and price. [pic]Figure 3 Tops In User Satisfaction:TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics Figure 3 show Apple’s tablet satisfaction is most high, achieving a score of 848 by considering well in performance, ease of operation, styling and design, and features. Amazon followed closely at 841, and Samsung came in third as got 827 rating. And below the industry average of 832 points, followed by Acer, Barnes &Noble, and HP. Gap between Samsung and Apple's score of 21.Although it is a low number ,his is not a number to be ignored, because the users number of their tablets are very high. In comparison with the only Apple and Samsung, as this research, customer prefer Apple’s tablet more than Samsung’s tablet. Some people can say that this study alone, in this paper’s conclusion cannot say Apple is better. However, The survey was based on experiences reported by 1,985 tablet owners in July 2012. (Calif, para 6) Overall satisfaction was 857 among owners who watch three or more hours of video per week on their tablet, or 45 points more than people who don’t. Calif, para7) In addition, people who spend three or more hours seeing video are more likely to purchase another tablet from their current manufacturer in the future than are those who do not watch as much video content, the company said. The percentages are 90 percent and 81 percent, respectively. The survey also found that tablet owners spend 7. 5 hours per week browsing the Internet, watching videos, listening to music and reading books on their device compared with 9. 6 hours per week on a personal computer for the same activities. As can see, tablet was used various functions and multiple perform by applications that use the master. Calif, para 8) When seen from a va riety of used tablet, Can expect that the Apple tablet preference and other Apple’s products are also better than Samsung’s one. As mentioned earlier in this paper, as well as that Apple can be seen to people to more go ahead and advanced technology, productivity than Samsung’s did. With the researches above, more people prefer Apple. However according to the Beer Jeff the author of [APPLE SMASHER â€Å"In the second quarter of 2012, Samsung shipped about 50 million smartphones, the most ever sipped in a single quarter by any vendor, according to market research firms Strategic Analytics and IDC Worldwide.By contrast, in the latest quarter Apple sold 26 million iPhones and Research In Motion shipped just 7. 4 million Blackberries†. (Para 7) He also discusses about the consumer goods company Samsung, and also pay attention on the Samsung’s business strategies about how Samsung can selling more smartphones than the company Apple. Besides this article include what different between Samsung and Apple’s social media marketing, hardware and software. However, he just talk about the sales of only one year and only in the smartphone field.When it comes to the whole electronic products market share, Apple takes more parts than Samsung. The user of Apple of electronic products is also more than the users of Samsung. In addition, after the Samsung lost the lawsuit, many Samsung users sold their phones, they wonder some functions of Samsung phones would not work. Samsung indispensable to Apple is a good competitor, Of these two companies compete, consumers are able to access the more advanced technology. These positive competition exist Samsung and Apple, and the company has made efforts to better technology and customer service.Therefore, competition continues to be positive, and the evolving technology in consumer products to better fit their own would pick that. (Carrier, 6) The two companies all have their advantages and short comings, they are better than each other in different fields, but with the comparison they have, the both becoming better. In conclusion, this paper shows the various aspects, the current technology in society the more advanced the opinion that Apple's products have. Works Cited Catanzariti, Ross. â€Å"Tablet comparison: Apple new iPad vs.Samsung Galaxy Note 10. 1. † Web. 10 August. 2012. Chaffin,Bryan. Spec Comparison: Apple’s iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S3: The Mac Observer. 15 Sep, 2012. Print. Calif, Apple, Amazon Tablets . Tops In User Satisfaction:TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics, 1 October. 2012. Beer, Jeff. â€Å"Apple smasher†. 10/29/2012, Vol. 85 Issue 17, p54-57, 4p, 5 Color Photographs. Mlot, Stephanie. † Galaxy S III Helps Samsung Widen Smartphone Lead Over Apple. † Jul 2012, p1-1, 1p. — , â€Å"Apple Investor Relations â€Å"FAQ, Apple inc.Retrieved March 2, 2007. Kelly ,Olsen . â€Å"Samsung chairman resigns over sca ndal†. Associated Press via Google News. Archived fromthe original. Retrieved June 4, 22. Jackson,White International Business Times. â€Å"Apple vs. Samsung-The Legal Battle†. 05 Oct. 2012 Fisher, Anne â€Å"America's Most Admired Companies†. Fortune 157 (5): 65–67. March 17, 2008 Carrier, Michael A. â€Å"A Roadmap to the Smartphone Patent Wars and FRAND Licensing† (PDF). CPI Antitrust Chronicle (Social Science Electronic Publishing) . Retrieved July 27, 2012.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Poetical inspiration Essay

Betjeman writes about a variety of places for example rural, urban, seaside etcetera. The two poems I have chosen are Slough and Middlesex. In contrast to Slough, Middlesex is more of a gentler poem, which evokes Betjeman’s memories of how rural Middlesex used to be. Betjeman has no memories of Slough but knows he detests it. In Slough Betjeman describe show fake the city is. In Middlesex he tries recollect his memories of the village. Slough seems to keep its rhythm throughout the poem where as in Middlesex the rhythm is fast but then slows down half way through. One can clearly see that Betjeman does not like Slough as he says in the first line, ‘Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough It isn’t fit for humans now,’ ‘Friendly bombs’ is definitely a contrast because bombs cannot be friendly. In this case the bombs are friendly because according to Betjeman Slough deserves to be bombed because it is so awful. The verse has a jaunty rhythm. Slough is not worth saving. One can clearly see his hatred for Slough in the first verse. He wants the bombs to blow up Slough so there is nothing left mostly because of all the canteens, which serve tinned foods. In the next verse, Betjeman is saying that we are becoming artificial because we are eating artificial food; there is no more fresh food to be eaten. One can see this view in the next verse: ‘Come, bombs, and blow to smithereens Those air-conditioned, bright canteens Tinned fruit†¦ Tinned minds, tinned breath. ‘ He now has gone from talking about the town and now talks about the food sold in the city, how that’s changed from being natural to tinned which is the new ‘now’ food. One can almost feel Betjeman’s anger because Slough has changed into such a depressing town. He makes the point that it should be bombed because it is so awful. In the fourth and fifth verses Betjeman talks about how much he hates capitalists, how they always cheat and win. One can tell this as he describes the man as repulsive. He then wants them to suffer as they cause so much pain to women as said in the fourth verse: ‘†¦ Washes his repulsive skin In women’s tears,’ He wants the bombs to fall on them and make them experience pain instead of the women one can see this because he says in the fifth verse: ‘†¦ And smash his hands so used to stroke†¦ And make him yell. ‘

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Audism Essays

Audism Essays Audism Essay Audism Essay My Mother and Father instilled DOD morals upon me. I was never taught to feel superior or inferior to anybody. My Mother showed me right from wrong. If I even so much as whispered a racial slur, I would have been punished harshly. But I never thought in black and white or Deaf and hearing. I knew growing up that God has the right to judge but we as humans do not. Of course growing up had curiosities and still to this day I still do, but there is a place and time to ask those questions. How could I discriminate against anybody for any reason. It would be shameful, because they could turn it back on me. Growing up I was ridiculed for being poor. My Dad worked hard but we lived within our means. My sister-in laws cousin is deaf. She wears a hearing aid and speaks. By seeing the movie, now know that she is an audits. She always feels superior to Deaf people who cannot speak and Deaf people who do not having hearing devices of some kind. That is definitely autism in the works. I remember specifically one time we were eating out all together; me, my brother, his wife, and the cousin. The cousin was making fun off girl at her work that cant speak well because she is Deaf. The cousin was just telling us the story about it. She said that her co-worker is Deaf and wears a hearing aid but doesnt speak well and that she is better than her cause she speaks. I just stayed quiet to keep the peace in my family but I knew that wasnt right. She considers herself hearing not Deaf. I told her that was taking SSL and Deaf Culture this semester and she didnt have a reaction. She just said well good luck with that. Since we come from a small town, we all grew up around each other. To try to spark some curiosity in her; always find myself telling her owe my classes are going. Maybe to change her ways of thinking. Autism should be punished by the court systems. Its sad that children and adults that are Deaf are left out of a lot of things, especially in their own families. It made me angry in the movie how they spoke of their family members saying Ill tell you later, or not important. Its just rude to exclude somebody for any reason. For English I wrote a Proposal paper on a device called order assist. Its a package that can be purchased by fast-food restaurants to make it easier for Deaf people to order through a drive-thru.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

When Shortening Synchronize, Best Leave Off the h

When Shortening Synchronize, Best Leave Off the h When Shortening â€Å"Synchronize,† Best Leave Off the â€Å"h† When Shortening â€Å"Synchronize,† Best Leave Off the â€Å"h† By Maeve Maddox Computer users are often concerned with synchronizing their various programs and machines. The process is so common that the three-syllable word synchronize is usually shortened to its first syllable. The one-syllable shortening has become so acceptable that both the OED and Merriam-Webster have entries for it. Both sync and synch are given as spellings, and a browser search indicates that both forms are in about equal use: How to Synch Outlook How to Synch Google Calendar with a SmartPhone How to Sync Google Services With Your Mobile Device How to sync an iPhone with two (or more) Computers How to sync with .Mac and connected devices How to synch new records between two tables ? The spelling synch presents no difficulty of pronunciation to speakers who know the origin and pronunciation of the shortened word. synchronize [(sÄ ­ngkrÉ™-nÄ «z] c.1624, to occur at the same time, from Gk. synchronizein be of the same time. However, while the spelling sync [sÄ ­ngk] preserves the sound of the first syllable of synchronize, the spelling synch suggests the pronunciation [(sÄ ­nch]. Sounds of ch The English spelling ch can represent three different sounds. The first and most common sound is the sound heard at both ends of church. The second sound represented by ch is [k]. This spelling applies to words from the Greek, words like synchronize. However, the trouble with shortening the Greek word synchronize to synch is that the overwhelming (and pattern-forming) majority of one-syllable English words ending in ch are pronounced with the first sound of ch: each, itch, beach, coach, fetch, march, mulch, peach, porch, which. etc. The pronunciation shift may have already begun What provoked this post was a spelling I noticed in a scientific article on the topic of amino acids. The writer makes the topic interesting by explaining chemical processes in popular terms. In one example he compares cells and proteins to words and letters. He postulates a game hosted by Regis Philbin (italics mine): You can rotate each wheel at will and then press a button to see if the combination that you chose is one of the one million winning combinations.  You can keep doing this until you give up.   You think that this game is a synch.   The intended word is cinch [sÄ ­nch], in the sense of â€Å"something easy to accomplish.† I rest my case. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to Know"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?One "L" or Two?

Sunday, November 3, 2019


SUCCESSFUL INDIVIDUALS WITH HIGH LEVELS OF JOB SATISFACTION - Essay Example A relatively trend in these studies and literature works however is that not much has been studied into finding factors that bring about job satisfaction, but the gutters have been jumped into discussing the impact of job satisfaction on growth and development. In this essay therefore, the existing gap is closed by critically outlining key factors that must be put in place within various types of organisations to ensure that there is job satisfaction (Yi and Gong, 2008). This is done from the perspective of four individuals, whose stories are used as a case study. Job Design and Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is a very qualitative and subjective labour principle, as different people seek different opportunities and factors within their work structure to make them satisfied (Yoo, 2002). But as varying and different as job satisfaction may be to different people, one fact remains that job satisfaction comes from within the job that one does and this is where characteristics of the j ob comes to play. Depending on the characteristics of a given job, employees may be more comfortable working in the premise of that job. Yoo (2002) identified two of these characteristics as autonomy and variety, all of which are exhibited in the stories of the successful people presented. Yoo (2002) was however quick to add that there is always the need to ensure that the job characteristics that prevails is defined by the job design in place for workers. These job designs include are nature of job, employee engagement, and business success. Wofford and Liska (2003) has explained that one crucial characteristic of job is variety. By this, meaning is given to the need for the workplace to present the employee with non-static but differential task scope that ensures that employees always have something new to explore at the workplace. This means that the variety of job that a person does go a long way to determine and influence the level of job satisfaction that will be recorded. Cle arly, each of these people works in top enviable organizations that have many different departments and units that offer variety and challenge to exploring new opportunities for every up and coming young executive. As stated by Clark, there are numerous people looking for the kind of job that he does. The same can be said for Kurtz and Bishop, whose jobs take them to various places of the world and makes them enjoy the luxury of travelling from one airplane to the other. Clearly, when the characteristic of the job of a person puts him or her in such a position where there is internal satisfaction as to the variety of work that is done, such person is likely to gain job satisfaction. What is more, there are very high levels of autonomy for each of these workers. The question of ‘when and how tasks are done’ have been said to be very instrumental in job design (Ramsey and Sohi, 1997). Generally, autonomy comes to play when employees are given sufficient room to operate an d manipulate the movement and direction of their jobs (Netemeyer et al, 2007). Once this is done job satisfaction can be said to be guaranteed because it makes employees feel useful of themselves and evidentially become intrinsically motivated. Meanwhile, for all four individual read about, even though they are not the owners of the business they work for, they have very high levels of autonomy and are instrumental in the way and manner the businesses should move. A typical example of this is Clark who has the pleasure of promoting MTV all across the globe. Finally, as recommended by Yoo (2002), there is evidence from the story that the characteristics of job in place have been directly linked with job design. It would be noted that job